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Organisers beginning with ‘S

Stagecoach Performing ArtsSalvation ArmySaturday Family Forest SchoolSpontaneous Productionsstorytelling with dataS.N.A.P. PlaygroundS4KFootballSA DanceSAADI Recreational Gymnastics LtdSabina Netball ClubSacmaSadhana YogaSadler's WellsSafeCircleSafety FirstSafowa EventsSafy FitnessSage GatesheadSaint Pancras Community AssociationSairensSaizen Kai KarateSala Soccer SchoolsSaldance Theatre ArtsSale Harriers ManchesterSale Ju-JitsuSale Karate ClubSalford Community LeisureSalford Community Leisure (SCL) School of DanceSalford Elim ChurchSalford Metropolitan Athletics ClubSalisbury CathedralSalle RolloSally Hands On BabiesSally HardcastleSally Tealls Baby and Toddler ClassesSally-Ann JohnsSally's Adventure ClubSalsa KidsSalt Box Music CompanySalt KidsSalt Pots Ceramic StudioSalters' CompanySaltford Community ChurchSALTO GymnasticsSalts Tennis ClubSalutem Coffee ShopSalvation Army Guildford Jelly BeansSam's BallroomSama Circus CitySama KarateSAMA SoutheastSAMA West SussexSamadhi YogaSamatayogaukSamba Soccer SchoolsSamba Sports CoachingSammie McFarland Pilates & Health CoachSammy's Musical MoversSammy's SocceroosSamurai KickboxingSamurai Martial ArtsSamyama YogaSamye Foundation WalesSan Shou Kuan (SSK)Sanctuary Cafe CICSanctuary Coffee StopSandal MagnaSandcastle Reydon Baby and Toddler GroupSandhyaSandicraftSandra ChittySandra Taylor School of DanceSandroydSandtherapySandwell Museum and Art ServiceSandwell Museums and Arts ServiceSandwell Parents for Disabled ChildrenSandwell Tae Kwon DoSane FoodSang Moo TGMS Martial Arts AcademySankaku Shotokan Karate Club (SSK)Sankofa Storytelling ArtsSanshu Kung Fu SchoolSaplings Stay and PlaySapphire Dance & FitnessSapphire Gymnastics ClubSara Horner School of DanceSara's Nature Play and LearningSarah Cooke School Of DanceSarah Espenhahn Pregnancy and ParenthoodSarah Harrison PRSarah Jane Dance AcademySarah Mooney StorytellerSarah Parker FitnessSarah Smith-Sergeant YogaSarah Spearing FitnessSarah Taylor Dance StudiosSarah Wasser Personal TrainingSarah’s Fitness VibeSaras Hope FoundationSarlouto Dance AcademySasori Karate DojoSassy StirrersSatori KarateSatori Karate Club GlasgowSaturDADsSaturdads CambridgeSaturday Art ClubSaturn DanceSavannah-Rose Baby MassageSavvy Sleep CoachSAVVY TheatreSawston Toy LibrarySawyers ChurchSaxlingham Baby and Toddler GroupSaxon Crown Swimming ClubSaxon HallSayer's CroftSAYF ProjectSBG BurySCA Happy Faces Day CareScales and TalesScallywags Parent, Toddler and Baby GroupScapa FestScarlett Rose School of DanceSCDAScents of WellbeingSchool for Creative ThinkersSchool of CodingSchool of CookSchool of LarksSchool Of RoxSchool of Theatre ExcellenceSchool of WandcraftSchool of Word Play and WizardrySchool Sports CoachingSchool's Out ActivitiesSchool's Out Holiday SquadSci4UsScience AliveScience and Industry MuseumScience Buddies - Green Shift EducationScience BugsScience MuseumScience OxfordSciencedipitySciencetotsukScoil Rince í MuirScoop MagazineScot Krav Maga SystemsScotland All-StrongScotland Taiwanese AssociationScottish Chamber OrchestraScottish Dance TheatreScottish Event CampusScottish OperaScottish Wrestling Entertainment - SWEScottish Youth TheatreScramblers PlaygroupScrap Creative ReuseScrapstore Play ServicesScreaming with LaughterScreaming with laughterScreen B14Screen Education EdinburghScreen25Scribble and SmudgeScribble-lulasScribblersW4Scribbles Stay and PlayScript EventsScriven Martial ArtsSCRUM STARSScrummy's Toddler & Baby groupScrumtime ToddlersSCTA Theatre Academy Ltd.Scunthorpe Co-operative Junior ChoirScuola di Sofia Italian SchoolSDC DanceSDSDSE Petit FrancaisSE19 Dance ProjectSE19DanceProjectSE22 Piano SchoolSEA LIFE Centre ManchesterSea Mills Boys' and Girls' ClubSea Mills Community CentreSeabreeze Babies massage & yogaSeachelles Swim SchoolSeafaringtalesSeahorse Swim SchoolSeahorses Swim SchoolSeals Swim SchoolSean McInnes Sports CoachingSeapoint Canoe CentreSeashell TrustSeaton TramwaySeBeau Health VisitingSebright Children's centreSecret Adventurers' ClubSedbergh Youth & Community CentreSee and CreateSeedling PlaygroupSeedlings Baby MassageSeedlings Forest ExplorersSeedlings Well BeingSeeds for KidsSeeds of Love Baby Massage and YogaSeer Green SkippersSefton Tae Kwon-DoSei-Bu-KanSeibukan Karate ClubSeido Karate UkSeiken KarateSeishan Karate ClubSekhem ArtsSelect School of DanceSelfridges BirminghamSelfridges CinemaSelkie PilatesSemokwan Hapkido AcademySEN SignSencio Community LeisureSenjokai Karate AcademySenseSense and Me ltdSense of Home FestivalSense Star Multi-sensory CentreSensetasticSenshi JudoSenshi Judo ClubSensory AcademySensory FunSensory LandSensory Learning & Play C.I.C.Sensory Magic N11Sensory Needs Service BrightonSensory Patch Learning LtdSensory SeekersSensory SensationsSensory SpaceSensory Space LeedsSensory StarsSensory StringsSensory SuperstarsSensory4allSepoy Karate WilsteadSerene YogaSerenitotsSerenity Jiu JitsuSerge Betsen RugbySeriousSerious Events LtdSerious4SportSeriously Fun Swimming SchoolsSeriously FUN Swimming SchoolsSerpentine GalleriesSettle StoriesSeven Heavens ClinicSeven MovementSeven Saints Toddler GroupSeven StoriesSevenoaks Gymnastics ClubSevenoaks MuseumSevern PhysiotherapySew CreativeSew JessalliSEW Teach & LearnSew...HighgateSewFurzedownSewing WorksSewmanceSFC ManchesterSGM TennisShadazzle School of Performing ArtsShades MusicShake DanceShake Rattle & BoogieShake Rattle and RollShake, Rattle and RollShake, Rattle and Roll PlaygroupShakers KIDSShakespeare Birthplace TrustShakespeare's GlobeShakespeare's GlobeShama YogaShana Keeler's School of DanceShankill Junior Football ClubShantara YogaShaolin Gym Kung FuShaolin LotusShaolin Mantis Kung FuShaolin Temple Culture CentreShaolin Xiu Culture CentreShapes MontessoriShardlow Stay and PlaySharks Swimming AcademySharky and GeorgeSharmanka Kinetic TheatreSharon PalmerSharon Phillips School of DancingSharon Taylor Irish Dance AcademySharon's Pop Up Art RoomSharp ArtsShaw HouseShawlands Kirk Toddlers GroupShazam Theatre CompanySHE ACTIVEShe ProductionsShebear ConnectionSheen Parks TennisSheffield Autistic SocietySheffield Deaf Children's SocietySheffield Digital Skills Action PlanSheffield Industrial Museums TrustSheffield Manor LodgeSheffield Performing ArtsSheffield SharksSheffield Theatres Trust LtdSheffield Yoga SchoolSheffield Yong Gi TaekwondoSheffieldkarateclubSheila Littleboy - Baby MassageSheila Price DanceSheldon Road Methodist ChurchShelley Dobson School of DanceShelley Norton Stage SchoolShen Chi Do Martial ArtsShenley Jujitsu ClubShepperton LibrarySherbrooke Mosspark Parish ChurchSheridan CreativesSherwood United Reformed ChurchShevington & District Community AssociationShiamakShiatsu Massage with Stay and PlayShield Pro WrestlingShikisaiShimmi ShakeShin Gi Tai Martial Arts AcademyShin’s Taekwondo AcademyShine Creative ArtsShine Drama WorkshopsShine Wraparound CareShine Wraparound Care LtdShining StarsShining StarsShining Stars Kings Heath Autism Friendship ClubShining Stars Parent & Toddler GroupShinka KarateShinko KarateShinkyu Martial ArtsShinwa Karate KaiShiny ArtsShiny Happy PeopleShipston on Stour Baby & Toddler GroupShir LashirShiregreen and Brightside Communities CountShirley Children's CentreShirley Tae Kwon-Do ClubShishi Kai JudoShishu Vihar UKShoalstone Pool Community Interest CompanyShoden Martial Arts & FitnessShogun Karate ClubShona Boocock Academy of DanceShootersShooting Star Theatre School LTDShooting StarzShooting Starz LtdShoreham Baby MassageShorinji Kempo Wimbledon BranchShoshana Burns School of DanceShotokan Karate EnglandShotokan Sports KarateShout Out!Showcase Dance & StageShowcase EducationShowKidsShowroom CinemaShowstopper BabiesShowstoppersShowtime Performing ArtsShowtime ProductionsShrewsbury House Community CentreShrewsbury Storm Basketball ClubShrishti NatyalayaShropshire Climbing CentreShuffles Entertainment LtdShuffles School of DanceShukokai Karate - ShenleyShuttleworthShweenas shopSidcup Baptist churchSidcup Dance AcademySide by Side dance and fitnessSiegeris DanceSign & RhymeSign and ShineSigning for Babies - PortsmouthSigns and SoundsSileby Town Cricket ClubSilhouette Dance ClubSilkmore Childrens CentreSilverwoods Forest School LtdSilviaSYogaSIMAC Martial ArtsSimon BennSimon MoleSimonside Outdoor AdventureSimple Little Things YogaSimple Sessions LTDSimply Dance AcademySimply GrowSimply LimitlessSimply LizzieSimply NurtureSimply Stay & Play at The Beacon CentreSiMY Community DevelopmentSinclair Sports Coaching LTDSinfonia VivaSing A LingoSing A SongSing a Song of SixpenceSing AlongSing along with SarahSing and ExploreSing and PlaySing and ShoutSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing And SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and SignSing and Sign East NorthantsSing and Sign Newham, Waltham Forest, Redbridge and Epping Forest SouthSing with PiccoloSing-along SongsSing-Along-a-TotsSingalong SallySingalong with SeldaSingamajigsSingamibobsSingers Shakers Music MakersSinging HandsSinging Mamas ChoirSinging Mamas ChoirSinging Mamas ChoirSinging Mamas ChoirSinging sallySinging SpanishSinging StarsSinging-TotsSinging’s CoolSingingSombreroSingle Parents and KidsSingsationSink or Swim UKSinwai Muay Thai BoxingSiobhan Davies DanceSir Hubert Von Herkomer Arts FoundationSir John Soane's MuseumSiren AsylumSirona Care & HealthSishu ChineseSitsiam CampSixteen Feet ProductionsSixways Dance & Fitness AcademySJ Dance AcademySJM CreativeSJMYogaSK DanceSK Football CoachingSK Training and DevelopmentSk8life UkSKA KarateSkate NorfolkSkateboard EnglandSkatefreshSkelsmergh Baby & ToddlersSkelton Grange Environment CentreSketch ItSketty primary school PTASkewbald TheatreSkill SupplySkills AcademySkillz UK LTDSkilz AcademySky Blue Theatre - DramawiseSky High Trampoline ParkSkylark School of DanceSkylarks CharitySlade Gardens Community Play AssociationSlade Green and Howbury Community Centre and LibrarySlanted DanceSlazenger Hockey ClubSleep Through JenSleepy Bunnies Baby Massage and YogaSlim Fit LifeSlime LabSlime LabSlime ManiaSlime PlanetSling Fit MamaSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSling SwingSlinga FitnessSlot Machine TheatreSlough Libraries and CultureSlovak Learning CICSLP Junior AcademySLT Fire StationSLW Dance CompanySmall Steps Big Changes (SSBC)Small Steps Soft PlaySmall Talking HandsSmall Voices Big NoisesSmall World AdventuresSmallmattersSmallprint LimitedSmart BreakSmart Chameleon FitnessSmart Cookies Cookery SchoolSmart PlaySMART Pop-Up PreschoolSmart RaspberrySmart RaspberrySmart RaspberrySmart Raspberry Cookery SchoolSmart Raspberry Cookery SchoolSmart Start ChildcareSmartie ArtiesSmarties SEN Play and Support GroupSmartphone Youth HubSMASHfestUKSMASHfestUKSMB DanceSmethwick Raiders FCSmikle SpaceSmile Dance Academy And Performing ArtsSmileographySmiley MindsSmita SonthaliaSnaggletooth ProductionsSnaps YorkshireSneaky ExperienceSnipsSnowdropsSnowtraxSnug As a Bug London Baby MassageSnugFitnessSnuggle and SingSnuggles and SmilesSnuggly Babies Baby MassageSnw KarateSo Last CenturySo-PaSoap Soup Theatre CompanySobell Judo ClubSobell Karate ClubSocatotsSocatotsSocatotsSocatotsSocatotsSocatots UKSoccer LionsSoccer Scholar AcademySoccer ShootersSoccer Stars Football AcademySoccer Super StarsSoccer20 GatesheadSoccerDays LtdSoccerEdsSoccerkicksSoccerstarts Football AcademySocial Spark HubSociety DanceSocious SportsSoft Play and Baby classesSoft Play at Meridian Leisure CentreSoftplayyourwaySoftware AcademySofya Yoga TherapiesSoGloSoho Food FeastSoho TheatreSokcho Taekwondo ScotlandSolasta Dance AcademySole NutritionSole Rebel TapSolihull Chess ClubSolihull EventsSolihull LibrariesSolihull Olympic Gymnastics ClubSolihull Well Being ClinicSolihull Young DancersSoLo Baby MassageSoLo Craft FairSolo Martial Arts AcademySolomon's Porch Toddler GroupSomerset HouseSomething Lovely PotterySomewhere a BearSong AcademySong and StorytimeSong Squad - Show Squad - Street SquadSongBusSongs & StoriesSonia Sabri CompanySonia's YogaSonkei Shotokan Karate ClubSonning Baby and Toddler groupSonny & Maisie’s Soft Play CafeSonshine YogaSootheBabySooyogaSophia PymSophie Bee YogaSophie Dee School of DanceSophie's StudioSophie’s Community Street DanceSOTO CICSoul PilatesSoulful-TouchSound Affects StudiosSound Pop AcademySound Right PhonicsSound Stars UKSound Start PhonicsSound Steps Music SchoolSoundaboutSounds RightSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right PhonicsSounds Right Phonics ClassesSounds Right phonics classesSounds Right Phonics ClassesSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics Classes for KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSounds Right Phonics For KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSounds Right Phonics for KidsSoundsense MusicsoundSPARKSouth Acton Children's CentreSouth Asian Arts-ukSouth Asian Dance CardiffSouth Bank TaekwondoSouth Bristol Toy LibrarySouth Downs LeisureSouth Durham Gymnastics ClubSouth East Academy of Martial ArtsSouth East Baby MassageSouth East Ballet Scholars LimitedSouth East Freestyle Karate DoSouth East Lancashire Orienteering ClubSouth Essex Gymnastics ClubSouth Gloucestershire Football DevelopmentSouth Hampstead Cricket ClubSouth Ken Kids Festival 2018South Lanarkshire Leisure and CultureSouth London Dance SchoolSouth London GallerySouth London Theatre Youth TheatreSouth London Youth TheatreSouth Manchester Dance SchoolSouth Manchester Down's Syndrome Support GroupSouth Oxford Family RoomSouth Oxford Farmers' and Community MarketSouth Park Gardens Story TimeSouth Ruislip Community AssociationSouth Side JudoSouth Sutton Ballet SchoolSouth West Athletics AcademySouth West Community CyclesSouth West Dance AcademySouth West Scorpions Wheelchair Basketball ClubSouth West Soccer AcademySouth Western Gymnastics ClubSouth Woodford TaekwondoSouthampton Arts AcademySouthampton City LibrariesSouthbank Bristol ArtsSouthbank Centre - Literature & Creative LearningSouthbank SinfoniaSouthcourt Baptist ChurchSouthcrest ChurchSouthend TheatresSouthendian Manor Youth Football ClubSouthern Crane Kung FuSouthern Wing Chun WarriorsSouthfield PrimarySouthmead ScoutsSouthmoor Baby and Toddler GroupSouthport BIDSouthport Halloween FestivalSouthport Kickboxing and Martial Arts AcademySouthport Theatrical ArtsSouthsea School of DanceSouthside School of DanceSouthwark CouncilSouthwark Gymnastics ClubSouthwark LegendsSouthwark LibrariesSouthwark Park GalleriesSouthwell Dance SchoolSouthwest School of BalletSouthWestFestSouthWestFestSouthwick Rangers FCSouthwold LibrarySovereign Gymnastics & TrampoliningSpa Babies LtdSpa Gardens YogaSPACESpace2PlaySpalding Town Cricket ClubSpanish Amigos - Birmingham SouthSpanish Connection Language SchoolSpanish For KidsSpanish GemmaSpanish House LondonSpanish with VeroSpanishtasticSpark SensorySparking STEMSparkle ArtsSparkle EducateSparkle MusicSparkle SheffieldSparkle StarsSparklersSparkles Academy of Performing Arts (SAPA)Sparkly Place Fused GlassSparks Film and Media ArtsSparkysongsSparta Trampoline Club SCIOSpeaking WorksSpeaktheWorldSpecial Olympics HertfordshireSpecial Relationship ProductionsSpecial Stars FoundationSpecial VirtuosiSpectrum Gymnastics AcademySpectrum Inc LtdSpectrum Science SquadSpeedwell Methodist ChurchSpeedwell Nursery School and Children's CentreSpellbound Academy of DanceSpence of ExcellenceSpencer Lawn Tennis ClubSpetchley Park GardensSpike IslandSpin-A-Yarn TheatreSpinalchordSpinning Top ActivitiesSpinning TotsSpinningTotsSpinsonic CircusSpinsonic Family Circus Skills ClubSpiral Crafts and WorkshopsSpiral Dance StudioSpire Church Toddler GroupSpirit Combat KingstonSpirit Level YogaSpirit Young Performers CompanySpitalfields City FarmSpitalfields MusicSplash and SwimSplash CampSplash CentralSplash Dance AcademySplash for KidsSplash StarsSplashalot Swim SchoolSplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplat Messy PlaySplatter DanceSplice FestivalSplish & SploshSplish n Splash Swim SchoolSplish Splash SensorySpoken World ProductionsSponge TreeSpoonFed TalksSport and Health AcademySport at The HeartSport BathSport BathSport BirminghamSport North TynesideSport SheffieldSport SkillsSport's FutureSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4KidsSport4LifeSport4StarsSportac Acrobatic Gymnastics ClubSportacusSportFitSportiesSporting Bengal Football AcademySporting ChanceSporting SensationsSports 4 TotsSports For Champions UK C.I.C.Sports Fun 4 AllSports GenerationSports HiveSports Partnership Herefordshire and WorcestershireSports Plus SchemeSportsFit LondonSporty Kidz SurreySportyMinisSpot On KidsSpotlight Dance AcademySpotlight Dance and Theatre AcademySpotlight Stage SchoolSpotlights BromleySpotlights West WickhamSpread the WordSpring City LtdSpring into Action - SENDSpring School of BalletSpring Slime WorkshopsSpringboard EducationSpringboard SwimmersSpringbox GymnasticsSpringfeathers LimitedSpringfield PlaygroupSpringfit Gymnastics and Trampoline ClubSprint Martial Arts LLPSprogonautsSprogs BirminghamSprout CreativeSproutsSprungstersSpurgeonsspurgeonsSpurgeons - Perry Barr DistrictSpurgeons Children's Charity - Erdington and Sutton ColdfieldSquidgeletsSquiggle & DotSquiggle the Story-TellerSquiggles n GigglesSquiggles to SoundsSquiggleWiggleSquire Performing Arts CentreSquirrels BootcampSS Dance StudiosSSG ServicesSt Alban's Parent & Toddler Group N12St Albans City Youth Football ClubSt Albans MuseumsSt Aldhelm’s ChurchSt Andrews Mosaic Toddler GroupSt Andrews Voices FestivalSt Ann's & Seinton FCSt Ann's HospiceSt Anne's LimehouseSt Anne’s Church of England School Stay and PlaySt Augustine’s GillinghamSt Augustines Parent & Toddler GroupSt Barnabas BunniesSt Barnabas ChurchSt Barnabas Church - Humpty'sSt Barnabas Kensington