These Rolling Drop In Classes are fantastic for parents completely new to Baby Massage, or as a follow on from attending a Baby Massage Course to advance your skills. Pre-booking is great for me so I can have an idea of numbers, but you can also rock up on the morning if you're more of a 'last minute' person! x
Each week we focus on how we can relieve common childhood ailments through Massage, Reflexology and Baby Yoga.
Thursdays 10:15 - 11:15am: At The Loft, above Little Dippers, Upper Gardener Street, Brighton.
Week 1: Reflexology (June 6th/Aug 8th/Sept 12th)
Week 2: Calming Soothing Sleep (June 13th/Aug 15th/Sept 19th)
Week 3: Happy Tummies (June 20th/Aug 22nd/Sept 26th)
Week 4: Colds and Teething (June 27th/Aug 29th/Oct 3rd)
Week 5: Stretching and Movement (July 4th/Sept 5th/Oct 10th)
Suitable for babies between 6 weeks and 6 months.
£9.00 a session or why not buy a Package of 5 classes for £40 and save £5.00