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Yoga class for mum and baby together!
Bring your little one along for some fun baby yoga moves and songs, while you also get to do some gentle yoga for yourself, and some yoga for both of you together!
Start to safely strengthen your body after birth, while also bonding with baby, helping baby's development, meeting other mums and the added bonus of a cuppa and cake with a chat at the end of class!

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Ratings & reviews

16 ratings






What families are saying

Lisa Smith
February 2020

Pamela’s mum and baby yoga class is fantastic! My baby and I started going when he was 3 months old and it was a great way for us to bond (we would also do some of the yoga we learned at home together). I also can’t stress enough how important the socialising with other mums and talking about our weeks was to me. Of course, getting the chance to do a bit of yoga was also great!

Vikki Hall
February 2020

I have been going to Pamela's classes for just over a year now starting off at Pregnancy Yoga. The classes are fab and Pamela is amazing. She makes you feel welcome and gives the best advice. I sont know how I would have coped through my pregnancy, birth and after without the classes and an added bonus I have met friends for life through the classes

Stacey Malaney
February 2020

lovely friendly class

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