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Parkrun Iau | Junior Parkrun photo

Parkrun Iau | Junior Parkrun

National Trust logo

National Trust

  • 29 September 2024
  • 08:0009:00
  • See organiser for pricing
  • Ages 0 – 18 years


Mae Parkrun Iau wedi'i gynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer plant rhwng 4 a 14 oed. Fe'i cynhelir bob wythnos ar ddydd Sul am 9am.

Mae pob parkrun am ddim i gymryd rhan. Gallwch redeg, loncian neu gerdded y cwrs 2k ar eich cyflymder eich hun. Dewiswch redeg yn unigol, gyda ffrind neu'ch teulu. Mae'r cwrs 2km yn cychwyn ym mhen uchaf y gerddi. Mae dwy ddolen wrthglocwedd, yn gorffen yn y Tŷ ar waelod yr ardd.

Mae Parkrun yn gofyn i chi gofrestru ar-lein ymlaen llaw. Gallwch olrhain eich amser o wythnos i wythnos a gosod nodau personol eich hun. Cofiwch ddod â chopi gellir ei sganio o'ch cod bar i chi gael rhedeg.


Junior Parkrun is designed specifically for children aged between 4 and 14 years old. It's held every week on a Sunday at 9am.

Each parkrun is free to take part. You can run, jog or walk the 2k course at your own pace. Choose to run individually, with a friend or your family. The 2km course begins at the top of the gardens. There are two anticlockwise loops, finishing at the House at the bottom of the garden.

Parkrun asks that you register online in advance. You can track your time from week to week and set your own personal goals. Please remember to bring a scannable copy of your barcode for your run.


  • Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
  • Isle of Anglesey
  • LL61 6DQ
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  • Llanfairpwll (1.3 miles)
    • National Rail line National Rail

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