Audience Award at the Annecy Animation Festival, Sirocco and the Kingdom of Air Streams follows two sisters, 4-year-old Juliette and 8-year-old Carmen. Together they discover a passage between their world and a book’s, The Kingdom of Air Streams. To come back they need to find Sirocco, a terrifying character who can control the wind.
Screening preceded by a pre-recorded introduction by director Benoît Chieux
Director(s): Benoit Chieux
Cast: Loïse Charpentier, Maryne Bertieaux
Original title: Sirocco & le Royaume des Courants d’air
Country, year: FRA /BEL | 2023
Duration: 74 mins
Language: in French with EN subs
Age: 6+
Cert.: TBC