Enchanting stories unfold in this programme of short animated gems where festive wonders come to life. Delve into these heartwarming and modern tales as animals embark on spellbinding journeys from France to Japan to the Far North and its northern lights, spreading joy and generosity. Each story is a whimsical adventure filled with charm, laughter, and the beauty of the winter season. Let the poetry captivate your heart and transport you to a world where Christmas magic knows no bounds.
Director(s): Camille Alméras, Caroline Attia, Ceylan Beyoglu, Haruna Kishi, Olesya Shchukina, Natalia Chernysheva
Original title: Le Grand Noël des Animaux
Country, year: FRA/GER | 2024
Duration: 70 mins
Language: French with English subtitles
Cert.: TBC
Genre: Animation