Cadence is Indoor Cycling with community. We ride simply, stylishly, and sometimes scientifically. We love Indoor Cycling, so much, and we promise that our classes are the best in London.
But how can we make that promise?
Founder, Melissa Power, has spent the last seventeen years honing and perfecting her indoor cycling classes. She’s dedicated her entire teaching career to sharing her indoor cycling joy with thousands of people and she’s constantly learning and passing that knowledge onto her team. Her classes have been voted the best in the capital, she has worked across all major studios in London, and now certifies the future instructors of the nation. She has years of experience working with pre and postpartum parents and has previously run her hugely successful parent and baby spin classes in other locations before she opened her own studio.
We are here for you and your little one. We want you to feel supported, understood and valued no matter where you are in your indoor cycling journey and we will never ask more than what you can do.