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‘Cleas’ Club Dràma

  • 15 February 2024
  • 16:0017:00
  • £3.00
  • Ages 2 – 18 years


‘CLEAS’ Club Dràma airson clann sa Bun Sgoil. Ma tha tha uidh agad ann an dràma seo an club dhut! A bharrachd air a’ bhith ionnsachadh sgilean ùra agus a’ neartachadh ar sgilean Gàidhlig, bidh an t-uabhas spòrs again a’ chuir ri cheile dealbhan-cluich agus a’ dèanamh caraidean ùra.

‘CLEAS’ Gaelic Drama Club for children of Primary School age. If you love Drama this is the Club for you. A club that will help you to use your Gaelic outside of school. You will learn lots of new drama skills and techniques, have lots of fun creating and performing plays and make new friends at the same time.

Thursdays, initially from 11 Jan – 15 Feb (6 weeks). This course will carry on in term time if there is demand. The sessions will be taught by actor Rachel Kennedy.

P1 – P3: 4pm – 5pm

Text supplied by third party.


  • Kenneth Street
  • Stornoway
  • Na h-Eileanan an Iar
  • HS1
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