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Anturiaethau'r Pasg ym Mhlas Newydd | Easter Adventures at Plas Newydd photo

Anturiaethau'r Pasg ym Mhlas Newydd | Easter Adventures at Plas Newydd

  • 23 March 2024
  • 10:3016:00
  • See organiser for pricing
  • Ages 2 – 18 years


Bydd y llwybr ymlaen rhwng 23 Mawrth -1 Ebrill 2024, rhwng 10:30am a 4pm, gyda’r mynediad olaf am 3.30pm. Pris bob llwybr yw £3. Cyn dechrau, byddwch yn cael taflen weithgaredd y llwybr, clustiau cwningen, a phensil i’ch helpu chi ar eich antur. Cofiwch gasglu eich trît ar ddiwedd eich helfa wy Pasg – cewch ddewis rhwng wy siocled neu wy siocled Rhydd-Rhag*. Mae'r ddau wy wedi'u gwneud gyda coco Ardystiedig Cynghrair y Fforestydd Glaw.

*Mae'n addas i bawb hefo alergeddau llaeth, wyau, glwten, cneuen ddaear a chneuen goed.

The trail will be on between 23 March - 1 April 2024, from 10:30am to 4pm, with last entry at 3.30pm, so come along and explore the beautiful gardens and grounds of Plas Newydd. Prices are £3 per trail which includes an Easter sheet, pencil, bunny ears and a chocolate egg, either dairy or vegan and Free From*. Don't forget, you can choose from either a chocolate egg or a vegan and Free From chocolate egg. Both eggs are made using Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. Find out more at www.rainforest-alliance.org.

Text supplied by third party.


  • Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
  • Isle of Anglesey
  • LL61 6DQ
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Nearest stations

  • Llanfairpwll (1.35 miles)
    • National Rail line National Rail


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