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Why Kids Love Slalom Canoeing

5 May 2024

If you’ve never thought about slalom canoeing for your child before, now might be the time, especially if they’re fun-loving and thrill-seeking and have the disposition to take on a challenge that requires dedication, perseverance and endurance. However, although it’s a challenging sport to learn, it’s great fun, and the kind of sport your child will fall in love with and continue practising for life. So if you’re unsure why kids love it so much, read, and you’ll soon understand.

It’s fast

Kids are often wired differently from adults, and their need to take risks and feel the buzz of adrenaline is much higher. Although this is completely normal behaviour, it often doesn't make it easier as parents when we see our children taking part in extreme sports or activities. Luckily, slalom canoeing, although intense, is very safe and the perfect way for your child to feel the speed and adrenaline.

They can progress

Slalom canoeing can be as much for your child as they want it to be. They can attend purely for fun or sessions once a week to learn new skills and keep fit. However, there is the option to progress, and the organisational body British Canoe has a very clear pathway for rising talent to help them make it to the top. There is always the chance they could become an Olympic champion!

It’s sociable

Paddleboarding centres are hubs of activity, and within a club, there’ll be lots of other like-minded juniors to meet and make friends with. Classes will be fun and friendly, alongside plenty of hard work, so that your child will leave their session feeling exercised and socialised.

Within slalom canoeing, there are different categories for training and competing. While some are individual, some are team events, where you’ll need a partner you can work closely with and build an excellent friendship with to succeed.

They’ll feel great

Taking part in a sport with dedication and commitment is full of ups and downs. They will have gruelling sessions that take their toll on the mind and body, but they’ll also have sessions where they finally achieve something they’ve been trying for a long time. This will bring them to the top of the world, and their sense of accomplishment will be through the roof.

Although, whatever happens within a session surrounding their skill progress, they will have had an excellent physical workout. Whether or not they did well, they will have endorphins streaming around their body that will make them feel good and help them cope with anything not quite going their way. 

It’s so fun

And, of course, with everything mentioned above, the most crucial aspect of all is that it’s super fun, so why wouldn't your child want to take part? When they’re in a situation where they can make friends, learn an amazing set of new, transferable skills, and achieve something that many others do, it’ll build further confidence and ultimately lead to happiness. 

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