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Why do Kids Love BMX?

8 July 2024

You can ask the question: why do kids love BMX? However, it might be more fitting to ask, why wouldn’t kids love BMX?  

BMX is a relatively new sport, which began in the 1970s in California. The acronym stands for bicycle motor cross and evolved from spectators emulating motocross on their bikes when they started racing around dirt tracks. It then made its way to the UK in the 1980s, with the first club opening in Ipswich. Since then, BMX has grown in strength, with every city and many large towns having a pump track and a club to help children progress. However, if your child has shown an interest, and you’re not sure why, here are the 5 top reasons they love it.

It’s Fun

There’s no doubt about it; BMXing is incredibly fun. When they have developed enough skill and stamina, your child will be speeding around the track, whizzing around corners and flying over moguls - literally. However, even if they want to take it at a more sedate speed, they’ll feel the satisfaction and achievement of completing the circuit.

It’ll make them feel good

BMX is a sport similar to others, and when they ride, they’ll increase their heart rate and strengthen their muscles, leaving your child feeling energised and happy. Racing around a track is excellent for their general physical and mental health, and it will also likely improve sleep and concentration, meaning school might not be a challenge. BMX is also great for your child’s posture, helping build strength for standing tall.

They can improve

BMX is a sport with a clear pathway to the top. It is well-watched and, since 2008, has had a firm place at the Summer Olympics. The national governing body British Cycling has levels that many clubs follow to guide young riders in the right direction, plus a clear talent development pathway that will elevate your child to national standards. Most clubs also make the most of competitive opportunities, such as in-house races, inter-club, regional or national. 

It’s social

BMX is social for two reasons; firstly, when they visit a pump track, they’ll probably go with friends or meet people there. Secondly, if they join a club, they become a part of that community and have the camaraderie you can only develop with like-minded people you spend a lot of time with. These have the potential to become lifelong friends who will support each other at competitions. Being part of any club is great and will build your child’s sense of community and BMX.

It’s for everyone

The great thing about BMX is that it’s inclusive, and you don’t necessarily need to be a specific build to be good at it. Your child can make it far with sheer determination, hard work, and excellent coaching. It’s also a sport they can continue in their own time because most pump tracks have recreational time so their friends can join, or you could go as a family.

Photo by Jules D. on Unsplash

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