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Is Hoop App Free?

12 January 2024

Hoop is a mobile app specifically designed for families, aiming to simplify the process of finding and booking children's activities. Its core functionality revolves around helping parents and care-givers easily discover a wide range of local events, classes, and workshops suitable for kids.

The Hoop app is free, and operates on a freemium model, so parents and families can register, login, and use the app for free. There are no premium upgrades and you don’t need to input a credit card or use Apple pay to use the app. We might offer some form of membership in the future, however, for the next twelve months or more, we do not have any plans to charge parents to use the app.

For organisers, the app is currently free too. However, we do plan to request a small charge to list events. We must monetise Hoop to ensure that Hoop is financially sustainable. We do plan to set up a pricing structure for organisers in the future. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, while we can financially sustain it, we will be keeping Hoop free for organisers too.

To run an app for free, we rely on partnerships and the goodwill of our community to help promote and support the app. Anything you can do to help us support Hoop is hugely appreciated. Perhaps you can share Hoop with your network? Perhaps you have expertise in a particular field of children’s education and can write some articles for us? Perhaps you’re a dab hand at social media and can help us get the message out? We want to promote healthy activities to as many families as possible.

Thank you for your support with Hoop. To download the app, click this link from your phone or search for “Hoop families” in Google play or app store.

Find fun, healthy activities for kids on the Hoop app