22 June 2017
We asked Hoop parents what mattered to them when choosing a family event or activity.
The aim of our survey is to help give family organisers a clearer picture of the things that matter when parents are choosing an activity for their child, and offer some ideas on how to attract more families to your next activity.
What matters most when choosing an activity?
We asked parents what mattered most to them when choosing an activity for their children, and found that the biggest factor was distance (71.7%) followed by cost (62.8%) and and whether it fits with their schedule (56.6%).
Parents resoundingly want to hear what other families have got to say! Over 80% said they look at testimonials & reviews to help them make the decision.
The other top factors were photos of the activity (42.1%), and qualifications & awards of the teacher/leader (40%). Good news for new activities — only just over a quarter of parents cared about how long an activity has been running for.
Thinking about venues, parents rate hygiene. Clean venues came out on top, with 70% of parents saying it’s a top consideration. Parents want the environment to be pleasant valuing ‘nice spaces’ (56.6%). Surprisingly, more practical considerations such as baby change and secure buggy parking fared worse with 27.5% and 14.5% respectively.
Parents want their kids to have fun! Citing this as a top concern, compared to just 28.3% for educational activities. Alongside this, parents also prize activities that help expand their child’s imagination (44.1%), build their confidence (27.9%), unleash their creativity (33.8%) & get them physically active (33.1%)
Parents like going to an activity because it’s a chance to get out of the house themselves (58.3%) and meet new parents (28.3%). But reassuringly, the best bit for almost all the parents we spoke to (91%) was that their child enjoyed the activity.
Mornings were the clear winner, between 9am and midday with afternoons being half as popular. Unsurprisingly, lunchtimes (0.7%) and early evenings (1.4%) proved to be highly unpopular.
When it comes down to booking something, the biggest turn off for parents is a lack of information about the activity, with about 80% of parents telling us this would put them off booking. The other big no-nos were unclear pricing and complicated booking systems with over two thirds of parents rejecting difficult ways to book online.
Research notes Results are based upon the response of 145 parents questioned in June 2017.
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