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What age should you start Baby Sensory?

29 January 2023

Starting baby sensory classes as early as possible is beneficial for several reasons. First of all, babies are constantly learning and absorbing information from the moment they are born. In fact, research has shown that even before they are born, they are learning about the world around them through the sounds and vibrations of their mother’s voice and movement. This process continues after birth and throughout their lives.

What Age Should Baby Sensory Classes start?

When it comes to baby sensory classes, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The age at which these classes should start will vary depending on the needs of your child. If your baby is born premature, for example, you may want to wait a few extra weeks or months before enrolling them in a class. If your baby is born at full-term but is developmentally behind, you may want to start sooner. Ultimately, the best way to determine when to start baby sensory classes is to consult with your health visitor or another expert who can assess your child's individual needs.

What Ages can Baby Sensory Classes go up to?

Baby sensory classes are designed for babies from birth to 13 months old. The classes are designed to stimulate your baby's senses through a variety of activities, including music, movement, and play. While the classes are geared towards younger babies, some parents find that their older babies enjoy the sensory stimulation as well. If you have an older baby who you think might enjoy attending a baby sensory class, there is no reason why they cannot participate.

Can Toddlers and Older Children Attend Sensory Classes?

Yes, there are also classes available for toddlers and older children. These classes focus on different activities and are geared towards a slightly older age group. Toddlers and older children alike can benefit from the chance to experiment with different textures, scents, and sounds. In addition, sensory classes can help to improve communication and social skills. If you have a toddler or older child who is interested in attending a sensory class, you can check with your local baby sensory provider to see what classes are available in your area.

Why is it Important to Stimulate my Baby’s Senses?

As a parent, you want to give your child every opportunity to thrive. That's why it's so important to stimulate your baby's senses. When your baby is born, their sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell is still developing. Over time, they will learn to use these senses to make sense of the world around them. But you can help them along the way by providing stimulating experiences. For example, you can show them colourful objects, play music, cuddle them, offer different textures to touch, and introduce them to new smells.

What are the Benefits of Baby Sensory Classes?

Some of the benefits of baby sensory classes include:

  • aiding in your baby’s development
  • providing a stimulating environment for them to explore
  • helping them to learn about the world around them
  • helping the bond between you and your baby
  • Provide support and advice for parents

Baby sensory classes are a great way to stimulate your baby’s senses and help them to learn about the world around them. They are also beneficial for you as they provide a bonding experience between you and your baby.

Ready to dive in? Check out our top baby sensory classes in the UK or have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions article if you need more information.

Photo by Alex Bodini on Unsplash

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