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Life at Hoop

You’re in good company

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At Hoop we believe that life in a startup is a lot like life in a family.

It’s a time of extraordinary change and growth; where the days can feel long but the years fly by. It can feel chaotic and messy, but rewarding and fun if you’re willing to throw yourself into it. You’ll find yourself doing things you’ve never done before and build relationships that will be with you for the rest of your life.

Our company is a family. And these values, much like the values other families try to instill, set out the company we aspire to build. Families are not perfect at all times, and our company does not claim to be either. However we will always try to be better, and will question behaviour that is inconsistent with the values we set out.

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Hoop comes first

Our company and its mission is paramount. We prioritise what’s best for Hoop and not what’s best for ourselves or our team.

Make an impact

We aim to leave a better world than we one we arrived into and seek out people who want to improve systems rather than maintain them.

Embrace the mess

We prioritise data and evidence over hunches and opinion, but recognise that when moving fast you often have to embrace the mess. When the time is right we admire conviction and the determination to see it through.

It’s hard work

We aspire to do hard work, as well as work hard. We reward people who don’t mind getting their hands dirty and from time to time can eat glass while staring into the abyss.

“Climb into their skin”

We are building a company rooted in empathy. We offer support to our teammates and benefit from their support in return. We know that to build systems that will improve people’s lives you first need to understand their needs.

Taking responsibility

Responsibility means striving to deliver more than what is required; being accountable for results; and finding solutions to problems that others can’t.

Honesty is the best policy

We encourage a culture of transparency where everyone is clear on the company’s goals and how they can contribute towards them. We give fair and honest feedback and are happy to receive it too. We see admitting to mistakes as an opportunity for everyone to learn.

Good communication requires good listeners

We value clear and concise communicators who are able to articulate their beliefs effectively through writing, speech or sketches. We take care when listening to what others have to say and encourage everyone to get their views across.

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Current Opportunities

Our desire is to make Hoop as diverse as the communities we serve and so make no judgements based on gender, ethnicity, sexuality or religion.

We have opportunities across every team in our business. Take a look.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead

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