Sing and Sign is the Award Winning Baby and Toddler Group that combines singing and baby signing to promote amazingly early communication :)
Classes are really great fun and you only need to learn a few signs to make a significant difference in your child's ability to communicate. You can lessen frustration, enrich language learning and encourage speech development.
Alex is absolutely fantastic and makes every class so enjoyable. I took my son for a year or so and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you Alex!
I've been taking my daughter to sing & sign classes since she was 5 months old. She's now 20 months. I've really enjoyed the classes, mainly because the teacher, Alex, is so lovely. The class is well structured to keep the little ones' occupied and entertained. It's definitely the most educational class we've done, and it was lovely when my daughter started to use a few signs at home! You also learn lots of good songs, which it's nice to sing at home. I'd really recommend the class. Alex is very welcoming, and it's a lovely, relaxed, friendly atmosphere. I will miss it!
Alex is great with the singing, signing and generally with kids. My daughter has loved the nursery rhymes and she really pays attention to the signing, she’s already pointing, clapping, dancing and even did the birdie sign. I’ve enjoyed it too, and I love signing to her. Some songs even calm her down. Sadly we’re only doing a term as I’ve got to go back to work, but definitely recommend still joining in. Thanks Alex!